"The Groom Texas Cross"

This Giant Groom Texas Cross located along I-40 in Groom, TX is 190 feet tall, 110 feet wide, and visible up to 20 miles away. At 19 stories tall it is one of the largest crosses in the world.

Groom Texas Cross

The Groom Texas Cross was built in sections some forty miles away and hauled to it's present place where it was assembled.

It took 250 workers 8 months to complete, and is often described as awesome, spectacular, and unbelievable.

In addition, there are three smaller crosses holding life-size bronze statues of Christ and the two thieves. Nearby is a man made hill with an empty tomb. Still another path leads to a monument representing children who have been aborted since Roe V. Wade.

It is estimated that 10 million people pass by each year and a thousand a day stop to visit. There is a gift shop and rest rooms, and is open 24 hours a day. There is no charge to visit and makes a great rest stop.

Aerial View of the Groom Texas Cross
Compliments of www.crossministries.net

The Giant Groom Texas Cross is a result of the efforts of Steve Thomas and family of Pampa, Texas.

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